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Shipping Crate
Shipping Crate
Table 7244#
A sturdy wooden box once used to import exotics from across the boundless seas. Desynthesizable: Yes Carpenter
Desynthesizable:27.00 [CRP]
Walnut Lumber×4 [CRP:25]
Walnut Log×12 [BTN:25]
Wind Shard×8
Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
Iron Ore×3 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Iron Rivets×1 [BSM:18]
Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
Iron Ore×3 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Fire Shard×1
Wind Shard×3
Ice Shard×2

Production information
Difficulty:91 / Quality:360 / Durability:70