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Dreadwyrm Earring of Healing


Dreadwyrm Earring of Healing

Category > Earrings

Item level:130 / Equip Level:50 -

Class:All class

gill Sale price 680 Gil Market ng

Defense 1Magic Defense 1

VIT +25 MND +26 Critical Hit Rate +17 Accuracy +5 PIE +24 

Desynthesizable:130.00 [GSM]


The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1Lv:50~Player:8 People
Alisaie is resolved to go through with her quest to vanquish Bahamut, though it means confronting her beloved grandfather, whom the elder primal has made his thrall. With Alphinaud[@CA]s cooperation, an aetherial pathway has been established which will take your party to one of the two internment hulks that remain to be disabled. Your foray begins in northern Thanalan, at the set of Dalamud[@CA]s talons situated in Raubahn[@CA]s Push. Spare no preparation and expect fierce resistance.

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Head1303127The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
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Necklace130All classThe Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
Dreadwyrm Ring of Casting Dreadwyrm Ring of Casting
Ring130All classThe Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
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Dreadwyrm Shoes of Healing Dreadwyrm Shoes of Healing
Feet130CNJ WHM SCH ASTThe Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
Dreadwyrm Earring of Healing Dreadwyrm Earring of Healing
Earrings130All classThe Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1

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