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Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin patch2.4 Wall-mounted 9240# lodestone
As magnificent as the day it was caught, but without the unpleasant stench of decay. Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:55.00 [ALC]
- Mazlaya Marlin×1
- Darksteel Nugget×2 [BSM:50★1]
- Darksteel Ore×6 [MIN:50]
- Fire Crystal×6
- Black Alumen×3 [MIN:40]
- Straw×3 [BTN:15]
- Zircon×2 [GLD:41]
- Raw Zircon×2 [MIN:40]
- Wind Shard×10
- Water Crystal×3
- Lightning Crystal×2
Production information
Difficulty:210 / Quality:1100 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe
Growth Formula Delta
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