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Belah'dian Crystal Lantern
Belah'dian Crystal Lantern
Wall-mounted 4360#
![Belah[@SC]dian Crystal Lantern](
A wall lantern crafted in the Belah'dian style. As seen within the Sunken Temple of Qarn. Desynthesizable: Yes Armorer
Desynthesizable:38.00 [ARM]
Mythril Plate×1 [ARM:38]
Mythril Ingot×2 [BSM:38]
Mythril Ore×6 [MIN:35]
Fire Shard×8
Ice Shard×4
Mythril Rings×2 [ARM:37]
Mythril Ingot×2 [BSM:38]
Mythril Ore×6 [MIN:35]
Fire Shard×8
Ice Shard×8
Belah'dian Glass×3
Tallow Candle×2
Ice Shard×4
Earth Shard×4
![Belah[@SC]dian Crystal Lantern](
Production information
Difficulty:129 / Quality:640 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe

![Belah[@SC]dian Crystal Lantern](