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Mandragora Floor Lamp
Mandragora Floor Lamp
Furnishing 7757#

An adorable floor lamp designed in the likeness of a mandragora. Desynthesizable: Yes Goldsmith
Desynthesizable:50.00 [GSM]
Electrum Ingot×3 [GLD:42]
Electrum Ore×12 [MIN:45]
Wind Shard×15
Raptor Leather×3 [LTW:41]
Raptor Skin×3
Black Alumen×3 [MIN:40]
Earth Shard×15
Tallow Candle×4
Frosted Glass Lens×1
Wind Shard×6
Fire Shard×6

Production information
Difficulty:180 / Quality:1000 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe