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Moogle Letter Box
Moogle Letter Box
Outdoor Furnishing 2610#

The moogle delivery service at your own front gate!※Cannot be retrieved once placed.※One per estate only. Desynthesizable: Yes Armorer
Desynthesizable:45.00 [ARM]
Cobalt Plate×2 [ARM:43]
Cobalt Ingot×4 [BSM:42]
Cobalt Ore×8 [MIN:50]
Iron Ore×4 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×20
Ice Shard×10
Mahogany Lumber×2 [CRP:39]
Mahogany Log×6 [BTN:40]
Wind Shard×10
Undyed Woolen Cloth×2 [WVR:39]
Woolen Yarn×4 [WVR:38]
Lightning Shard×6
Moggle Mog XII's Whisker×1
Ice Shard×6
Earth Shard×5

Production information
Difficulty:158 / Quality:850 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe