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Bertha Cannon
Bertha Cannon
Outdoor Furnishing 9352#

A quad-barrel cannon engineered for counter-dragon warfare. As seen at the Stone Vigil. Desynthesizable: Yes Blacksmith
Desynthesizable:55.00 [BSM]
Darksteel Nugget×8 [BSM:50★1]
Darksteel Ore×24 [MIN:50]
Fire Crystal×24
Cobalt Plate×2 [ARM:43]
Cobalt Ingot×4 [BSM:42]
Cobalt Ore×8 [MIN:50]
Iron Ore×4 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×20
Ice Shard×10
Ishgardian Steel Ingot×4
Fire Crystal×3
Earth Crystal×2

Production information
Difficulty:210 / Quality:1100 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe

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