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Glade Roundpole Fence
Glade Roundpole Fence
Fence 4277#
A roundpole fence designed to complement glade residences, approved to be erected on properties in the Lavender Beds. Desynthesizable: Yes Carpenter
Desynthesizable:50.00 [CRP]
Rosewood Lumber×20 [CRP:45]
Rosewood Log×60 [BTN:50]
Wind Shard×120
Granite×30 [MIN:35]
Cobalt Ingot×10 [BSM:42]
Cobalt Ore×20 [MIN:50]
Iron Ore×10 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×50
Wind Shard×24
Ice Shard×24

Production information
Difficulty:180 / Quality:1000 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe

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