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Apkallu Weathervane
Apkallu Weathervane
Roof Decoration 9585#

A weathervane designed in the likeness of an apkallu. Desynthesizable: Yes Blacksmith
Desynthesizable:42.00 [BSM]
Mythril Ingot×4 [BSM:38]
Mythril Ore×12 [MIN:35]
Fire Shard×16
Mahogany Lumber×4 [CRP:39]
Mahogany Log×12 [BTN:40]
Wind Shard×20
Mythril Rivets×4 [BSM:39]
Mythril Ingot×4 [BSM:38]
Mythril Ore×12 [MIN:35]
Fire Shard×16
Fire Shard×20
Fire Shard×5
Earth Shard×5

Production information
Difficulty:144 / Quality:760 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe