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Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Ring


Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Ring

Category > Ring

Item level:29 / Equip Level:28 -

Class:All class

gill Sale price 11 Gil Market ng

Defense 1Magic Defense 1

VIT +3 MND +3 

Desynthesizable:29.00 [GSM]
Haukke ManorLv:28~Player:4 People
Once used by Seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection and meditation, Haukke Manor was long frowned upon by the people of Gridania as a symbol of excess. After years of protest, the building was finally sold to a wealthy Duskwight by the name of Lady Amandine. While little is known of the lady, it was said that she was exceptionally vain, and that to maintain her impeccable beauty, she would spare no expense. From facial creams concocted from rare Coerthas honeys to shampoos derived from the milk of exotic phurbles, her daily ritual of beauty treatments escalated until it was rumored she was bathing in the blood of her virgin maidservants. No amount of man-made tinctures, however, could hide the hideous scars she eventually suffered during the Calamity, and soon she was forced to turn to a darker solution, signing away her very soul in a final effort to literally "save face."

Item NameCategoryI.LClassContent name
Fine Wax Fine Wax
Reagent28Haukke Manor
Joukil[@SC]s Guile Joukil's Guile
Archer's Arm30ARC BRDHaukke Manor
Pupil[@SC]s Leather Grimoire Pupil's Leather Grimoire
Arcanist's Grimoire30ACN SMN SCHHaukke Manor
Heart of House d[@SC]Arlendre Heart of House d'Arlendre
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm30CNJ WHMHaukke Manor
Tenfinger Tallstaff Tenfinger Tallstaff
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm30THM BLMHaukke Manor
Charred Axe Charred Axe
Marauder's Arm30MRD WARHaukke Manor
Tidesplitter Tidesplitter
Lancer's Arm30LNC DRGHaukke Manor
Shield of the Savage Shield of the Savage
Shield30GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLMHaukke Manor
Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Ring Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Bracelet Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Choker Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Earrings Aetherial Lapis Lazuli Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Yew Wand Aetherial Yew Wand
One-handed Conjurer's Arm29CNJ WHMHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Claws Aetherial Steel Claws
Pugilist's Arm29PGL MNKHaukke Manor
Aetherial Malachite Ring Aetherial Malachite Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Malachite Bracelet Aetherial Malachite Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Malachite Choker Aetherial Malachite Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Malachite Earrings Aetherial Malachite Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Horn Ring Aetherial Horn Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Bone Armillae Aetherial Bone Armillae
Bracelets29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Padded Velveteen Trousers Aetherial Padded Velveteen Trousers
Legs30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Velveteen Trousers Aetherial Velveteen Trousers
Legs28Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Fluorite Ring Aetherial Fluorite Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Fluorite Bracelet Aetherial Fluorite Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Fluorite Choker Aetherial Fluorite Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Fluorite Earrings Aetherial Fluorite Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Halberd Aetherial Steel Halberd
Lancer's Arm29LNC DRGHaukke Manor
Aetherial Toadskin Leg Guards Aetherial Toadskin Leg Guards
Feet30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Toadskin Voyager[@SC]s Belt Aetherial Toadskin Voyager's Belt
Waist30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Toadskin Brais Aetherial Toadskin Brais
Legs30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Toadskin Jacket Aetherial Toadskin Jacket
Body30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Toadskin Armguards Aetherial Toadskin Armguards
Hands30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Danburite Ring Aetherial Danburite Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Danburite Bracelet Aetherial Danburite Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Danburite Choker Aetherial Danburite Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Danburite Earrings Aetherial Danburite Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sphene Ring Aetherial Sphene Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sphene Bracelet Aetherial Sphene Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sphene Choker Aetherial Sphene Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sphene Earrings Aetherial Sphene Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Spiked Steel Labrys Aetherial Spiked Steel Labrys
Marauder's Arm28MRD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Plate Belt Aetherial Steel Plate Belt
Waist30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Celata Aetherial Steel Celata
Head30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Sallet Aetherial Steel Sallet
Head30Disciples of WarHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Sabatons Aetherial Steel Sabatons
Feet30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Cuirass Aetherial Steel Cuirass
Body30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Steel Gauntlets Aetherial Steel Gauntlets
Hands30GLA MRD PLD WARHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Scepter Aetherial Silver Scepter
One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm28THM BLMHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Peridot) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Peridot)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Heliodor) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Heliodor)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Goshenite) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Goshenite)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Garnet) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Garnet)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Amethyst) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Amethyst)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Aquamarine) Aetherial Silver Circlet (Aquamarine)
Head28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Silver Ear Cuffs Aetherial Silver Ear Cuffs
Earrings30All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sunstone Ring Aetherial Sunstone Ring
Ring29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sunstone Bracelet Aetherial Sunstone Bracelet
Bracelets28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sunstone Choker Aetherial Sunstone Choker
Necklace28All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Sunstone Earrings Aetherial Sunstone Earrings
Earrings29All classHaukke Manor
Aetherial Ash Composite Bow Aetherial Ash Composite Bow
Archer's Arm28ARC BRDHaukke Manor
Aetherial Elm Macuahuitl Aetherial Elm Macuahuitl
Gladiator's Arm28GLA PLDHaukke Manor
Aetherial Goatskin Targe Aetherial Goatskin Targe
Shield28GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLMHaukke Manor
Aetherial Engraved Goatskin Grimoire Aetherial Engraved Goatskin Grimoire
Arcanist's Grimoire30ACN SMN SCHHaukke Manor
Waning Sun Pelta Waning Sun Pelta
Shield30GLA PLDHaukke Manor
Unbreakable Knuckles Unbreakable Knuckles
Pugilist's Arm30PGL MNKHaukke Manor

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