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Embossed Book of Silver
Embossed Book of Silver
Arcanist's Grimoire 4226#

Embossed Book of Silver
Category > Arcanist's Grimoire
Item level:38 / Equip Level:38 -
Sale price 100 Gil /
Sell price 6635 Gil
Magic Damage 38(42)Auto-attack 24.53(26.66)Delay 3.2
VIT +8 INT +8 MND +8 Critical Hit Rate +12
VIT +9 INT +9 MND +9 Critical Hit Rate +13
Desynthesizable:38.00 [ALC] / Materia slot2

Book of Silver×1 [ALC:34]
Enchanted Silver Ink×1 [ALC:23]
Silver Sand×2 [MIN:25]
Acidic Secretions×1
Water Shard×2
Silver Ingot×1 [GLD:23]
Silver Ore×3 [MIN:25]
Wind Shard×2
Oak Log×1 [BTN:35]
Linen Yarn×1 [WVR:32]
Flax×2 [BTN:35]
Lightning Shard×2
Water Shard×4
Lightning Shard×3
Silver Ingot×2 [GLD:23]
Silver Ore×6 [MIN:25]
Wind Shard×4
Water Shard×4
Lightning Shard×4

Production information
Difficulty:193 / Quality:960 / Durability:80